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Laura's Topics



Winning Team


Bursting with energy, enthusiasm, and over-the-edge exuberance, Laura Loveberry keeps audiences laughing out loud with her over-the-top testimony of running from the thought of becoming a big Bible carrying Jesus Freak, while deeply desiring to know Him at the same time.  This battlefield in her mind leads Laura to the winning team when she finally takes a time out leading to a God-driven victory!  Crowd participation and clear gospel presentation make this fast-paced presentation the perfect fit for your women’s’ seeker outreach event. There’s never a dull moment. Laura’s upbeat sign language drama set to song, adds to this exhilarating event. This is Laura’s most popular message.


Queen of Quite a Lot!


Former Mrs. Michigan America 2007, Laura Loveberry, shares sparking jewels of encouragement for YOUR everyday living as a princess to the King of kings. Laura’s often hilarious humor will inspire YOU to live like a queen even when facing quite a lot. Insights from Queen Esther are the crowning touch to Laura’s not-so-stately message with a regal challenge to live out the royalty of your calling for such a time as this. In a crumbling castle, God can give you courage to live out the queen in YOU. Even with a tumbling tiara, you find truths to triumph today!  Songs and sign language drama set the stage for a special day with your sisters in Christ living within the kingdom of God.


Ordinary to Extraordinary


God uses ordinary women to do extraordinary missions. Obstacles are opportunities to overcome and glorify God in the process. God can take mess and bless, turn pain into pearls, and twist trials into triumphs. This heartfelt presentation will inspire you to stay tight with God no matter how fallen away, frazzled, failing or fruitless your life can seem right now. As we look at women in the Bible who face challenges, we will be spurred on to never give up, keep climbing and reach the top of our mountain shouting, “Praise God for the uphill journey!!!”  Laura’s interactive learning of inspiring Habakkuk Bible verses and dramatic sign-language set to songs will make this an impacting event for all. 


HELP! I’ve got Hat Hair!:


Help!  We’ve got hat hair!  Today’s women wear so many different hats.  We wear maid’s hats, taxi cab hats, chef hats, nurse hats, church hats, and more. With all these hats balancing precariously on our heads, how can we focus on God when he calls our name?  If your cranium is overloaded with a bad case of hat hair, then Laura’s message is for you. Your head will be lifted up with God’s Word and the study of King David. Under the crown of King Jesus, you will learn how to be an encouragement to women with mad hatter life styles. Laura’s message will be capped off with her unique sign language drama set to music. 


Tell YOUR God Story:


Simply sharing YOUR Savior story is the substance of this training seminar. Laura hands you a 5-finger plan to share your faith-story over coffee with your seeker friend.  You will laugh out loud with Laura’s own testimony of running from God for years, until she is stopped big time in her tracks by three little life-changing words. Laura, then, gives YOU the tools to put YOUR faith story together. You will walk out prepared, practiced, and primed to share your faith in Jesus Christ at any moment.  Sign language drama set to music will lift your hearts as your learning to share your life-changing story.




Need a spiritual sweep through your home and heart? Would you like to lose the overflowing “stuff, stuff, stuff” and gain abundant life?  This exhilarating message is based on the Bible verse, “A time to keep and a time to throw away…” Eccl. 3:6b NIV.  Laura is a self-proclaimed reforming garage-sale-aholic who is now sold out for God.  You will discover the freedom of cleaning out the closets and clutter of your home and heart. Featuring the “Attack-it-Jacket”, you will gain a plan for purging, a “Scrape’in Apron” for cleaning, and a “Prayer Chair” to set you free. Simply transforming!


Broken Road Meets Barren Land:


After 12 failed adoptions and a nursery set up for years, Laura Loveberry and her husband Mark are finally blessed with adopting 2 precious children. Their adoption story wraps around the issues of race, rape, and remarkable events including broken roads meeting barren lands. The Loveberry adoption story has been aired worldwide on Words to Live By, and a portion of Laura story has been aired on Focus on the Family. Loveberry performs sign language set to music for a heartwarming touch. This touching sanctity-of-life message is ideal for your Crisis Pregnancy Center banquet and Sanctity-of-Life events.  


One Scarf Drama Ministry


  • Rahab's Rehab & Our Renewal

  • Woman at the Well

  • Esther

  • Miriam



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